All done opening presents....notice that Ryan is playing with his new Jack-in-the-Box. He has been talking about getting a jack-in-the-box for over a year now. I have no idea where he got the idea, maybe a movie? But it was the toy he told Santa he wanted and whenever anyone asked him what he wanted for Christmas, that is what he requested. I wasn't really planning on buying one (they are hard to find and cost 20$!) but my sister said I had too. He didn't give quite the reaction you would imagine after all that, but he probably would have mentioned it if he hadn't received one.

Before we ripped into the presents. They look so cute in their new p.j.'s and slippers. Andrew received Cookie Monster slippers, but unfortunately they were too small, the kid has big feet! (Like mother, like son I guess). He was plenty happy with Ryan's old Elmo slippers though.
We had a great Christmas and it was so fun having Grammy and Gramps come and visit. Tomorrow we head out to Las Vegas for the week and Christmas part II!