Sunday, November 1, 2009

8 months

At 8 months Mabel is impressing us by:

-climbing up into furniture
-growing 2 teeth
-deciding to finally eat solid food.  I had stopped trying for over a month and then one day I gave her some sweet potatoes and she gobbled up the whole jar and hasn't stopped since.
-giving us her sweet smiles and reacting very excited when she sees Mom and Dad...we love it.


The Pingels said...

She is crazy!!!!! She'll be walking before Christmas! She is still so cute, and we love her.

Unknown said...

That smile just lights up the world, doesn't it? Seriously too cute.

Leah W said...

Erin....she looks just like your kids...SO fun! She is adorable!! We miss you guys!
and PS Mabel is like one of my all time favorite names...I don't know if I've told you that yet! Hope your halloween was great!

Bri said...

She is adorable and so are your boys. But I dont have to tell you that. :)

Dixie said...

I think the eating had something to do with it not being green beans, a definate grange no-no.