Sunday, August 29, 2010

babies 101

As our kids get older, our conversations about the baby in mommy's tummy gets better.  Here's a tidbit of what was discussed at dinner tonight:

-Andrew was concerned that the baby would "bonk it's head" as it came out of my stomach.
-He wanted to know how the baby would get clothes on before it came out and looked confused/disgusted when I told him babies come out naked and we dress them later.

-Ryan asked me how the baby gets in my tummy once again.  We dodge the bullet everytime and avoid talking about the particulars.  We aren't ready for that talk and knowing Ryan, the THOUSANDS of questions that would follow.  Anyways he came to the conclusion on his own that I just decide I am ready for a baby and the food I eat starts growing a baby.  Close enough.

-As I was describing how the baby gets out, Ryan declares "I'd really like to see that".
No Ryan, you wouldn't.  I told him he can see that when he's a Dad.

On another note, Happy Anniversary to me and the hubby.  7 years of bliss!


Leah W said...

so funny erin....we had lots of colorful discussions with our kids last pregnancy too....happy guys are so cute!

Dad Toolson said...

Oh, from the mouths of babes. I remember similar discussions as well. You girls were not as inquisitive as Ryan. He is a sharp one

Tiffany said...

I love it! I was cracking up at Ryan wanting to see the baby born. Brian doesn't even like to see that... :)

Megan was also concerned about the fact that our baby is in my belly with no clothes or diapers on.

We miss you guys.

The Pingels said...


Boyce Family said...

That is great! A lot of people we know are either pregnant or just had a baby so Jaxon has been asking some interesting questions lately too.

Unknown said...

Love those questions!

Congrats on 7 years of crazy wedded bliss! :-D

Sarah M said...

So cute!! Gotta love those crazy questions :)