We got to the hospital around 6 a.m. The hospital was really busy, and since I was being induced, we didn't get to see the doctor until 8:45. They started me on pitocin at 9:30 (I was already dilated to a 5) but it didn't do much. In my past experiences, the contractions never get strong until they break my water. My midwife had 3 other babies to deliver, but once she was done she came in at 12:30 and broke my water. Within a half an hour the contractions were really intense and I asked for an epidural. My midwife came in to tell me the anthesteologist had just gone to a c-section. I started to cry. She said they were going to find me another one. He came in not too much longer and got the epidural going. They checked me before he got started and I was an 8. As soon as he was done I felt like pushing and she was born about 5 minutes later. So I never got the drugs going. It was crazy. I was hooting and hollering. I am asking for the epidural when I walk into the hospital next time :)
Lucy is doing great now. Since she came out so fast, she swallowed a lot of amniotic fluid and keeps spitting it up and gagging on it, but hopefully she'll get it all out soon. She also has to have some tests done on her kidneys before we go home since they were showing up as being dilated with extra fluid around them in my ultrasounds, but hopefully we'll get to go home tomorrow! Let the craziness begin!
I love her so much. I was coming to show Isabel some pictures and there are more, and a story! Yay! Isabel did say she is chubby. I told her that won't last long.
WE love little Lucy! She does look like she is nice and rolly polly. Love seeing Ryan hold her, it's just precious. Hope you are relaxing and enjoying some down time before you head home.
You did it! Natural childbirth has been conquered and you lived to tell the tale. I just want to squish her little face!
Love the chub!
Erin, you look great!! What a beautiful baby girl Lucy is!
And seriously, you are a champ! Way to go doing it without the drugs. Super woman!!
She's so beautiful! Congrats, Granges! Belated happy birthday, Spencer and WAY TO GO, ERIN!
Lucy looks so yummy! Those cheeks are priceless.
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