Tuesday, April 8, 2008

G. Ryan Grange

Happy Birthday Ryan! When we look back and think about Ryan's 3rd year, here are some things we will remember:
- Gilbert, Spinky, Montgomery Moose, Franklin, and many other favorite characters from his books.
- Preschool with his friends.
- Potty-Training...hopefully with fondness in years to come.
- the Presidents of the United States
- Ryan's funny sayings. They are too numerous to remember and write down.
- How lucky we are to have our sweet boy Ryan!


Rachael said...

Can you believe these boys just turned three?! Ryan is a doll. I remember when they weren't even in nursery and we were looking forward to that! Now preschool ect. Time sure does fly! I love your cowboy birthday theme, very cute! Happy Birthday Ryan!

Teri said...

Happy Birthday Ryan! We love you and can't wait to see you soon. I sure can't believe that he is already 3, he is so big and mature.

jules said...

He's so big! I love his newborn picture. What a darling boy. We love Ryan - he's got so much personality and is so cheerful. We're gonna miss you guys when you move!!!

...April* said...

He is so adorable! I love all the pictures! By the way hey, this is our new blog, so you'll have to save it and we've gotta keep in touch! Hope you're doing well!


Dan and Anne said...

He's huge now! Can't believe how grown up that little guy is. Excited to see you guys soon!