Wednesday, June 18, 2008

our new pad

The swingset left by former owners. Ryan now insists on wearing his sunglasses. Both kids have had a hard adjustment to the bright sunshine. It's like they have never seen the sun before.

No albuquerque home is complete without a dry rock bed.

Andrew has already tried to escape.

Here are some pictures of what we are enjoying the most about our new place....the backyard!


Bart and Krista said...

I love how you said it's like they've never seen the sun before. Living in Seattle until I was 18- it's really like you haven't seen the sun. Your house is cute! It makes me want to GRADUATE!! 3 more years!

Jessie said...

Great pictures! The sunglasses totally crack me up. And your house looks great. I bet you are so excited.

jules said...

Yay!! I'm so excited for you guys. I'm glad things are going well. I feel like I need sunglasses EVERY TIME the sun shines here. It kills me!

Leah W said...

HOW EXCITING TO BE DONE WITH SCHOOL!!! It is so fun to see how big your boys are! dang time flies!