Sunday, January 27, 2008

A longish video demonstrating some of Andrew's skills: assisted walking, waving hi, dancing, falling, and wagging his head 'no'. This may not be that entertaining to non-Grandparents, aunts, uncles etc., but you're all welcome to watch, he just wants to be loved.


Teri said...

Oh, I just can't wait to see that little guy! And the other one too! I especially like the pelvic thrust dancing and that he just runs into walls and doesn't know what else to do. He is so cute.

Dixie said...

If you were not coming to Denver tomorrow, I would have to get on a plane to Seattle, just to give him a hug!

Jessie said...

He is adorable. Great idea. We need to do more videos.

Ryan said...

He looks like a crazy little Elvis.