Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ryan's Birthday Round-up

We had Ryan's birthday party today. As Spencer and I were preparing last night for the big party, Spencer said, "Did we really volunteer to pretty much baby-sit all of Ryan's friends for an hour tomorrow??". But it really was a fun party, the boys loved it, and even Spencer and I enjoyed ourselves! As you can see, the boys looked so cute all dressed up as cowboys.

Our little cowboy: notice his cowboy boots, they were a present for him from Albuquerque. We bought them so he'll fit in there.

The Gang.

A cowboy meal of hot dogs, chips, and sasparilla (root beer).

Games included throwing beanbags into a cowboy hat, pin the hat on Woody the cowboy, and shooting paper cups down with a squirt gun. We also decorated our cowboy "vests" (paper bags).


Stacie said...

Erin! You are so creative! Will you come throw a birthday party for us??

Dixie said...

Happy Birthday Cowboy!
Ryan looks pretty good in those boots.

Tiffany said...

Looks like a fun party! We're sad that we weren't invited to help babysit and drink some sasparella. We must get together sometime soon! Happy birthday Ryan!! :)

Starnes fam said...

Wow! What a great party! All the kids look so cute in their hats! Happy Birthday to Ryan!

HeatherC said...

Wow, very impressive cowboy party! I hope I can be so fun. The boys look so adorable!