Friday, August 1, 2008

On My Honor...

Spencer is on a scouting trip this weekend.  As I dropped him off, I told him we needed to have a girl someday so at least I could have someone to go to the movies with or something while all the boys were off doing who knows what (I hear it's best that mom's just don't know what really goes on) in the wilderness somewhere.  I feel for my mother-in-law who had all boys and a scouting husband.  In all fairness, I should feel for my dad too, who with three girls, I'm sure he was left out of stuff too!  Anyways, I am happy for Spencer to be a scout again.  Besides ward librarian and ward clerk, it is one of the callings he aspires for.  
But Ryan is very sad that he didn't go camping too.  He told me it is his most favorite thing to do (he's been once).  He keeps asking me how old he has to be to be a scout.  
I hope Spencer isn't mad about me posting this picture...but isn't he the cutest scout ever??

p.s.  Is anyone else a slacker mom when their husband is out of town?  When Spencer leaves us, we eat out, I rent the chic flick movies I've been wanting to see that Spencer won't watch with me, and my kids watch a lot of T.V.  I would be a bad single parent!


HeatherC said...

at the ripe old age of 5 weeks, my kid's in training to be the next design star on hgtv. i think it's good that you know how to relax when you hubby's gone.

Tiffany said...

Brian's gone this weekend with scouts too and I'm a TOTAL slacker. Megan watched TV and I read and read and read....hmm...I probably should do productive stuff at least while he's gone...but I just don't have the energy to... I'm glad that I'm not the only one. :)

Sara said...

Hi Erin! I found your blog through another BYU 199th Ward member's blog (wow, that was a mouthful). Not sure if you remember me, but I figured I'd say hi anyways :)