Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm 3 months old!

Mabel is pretty excited about being 3 months old.
she still has chicken legs, but she's working on it.
Enjoying some TV with big brothers.

and her favorite activity as of recently is grabbing her dress and pulling it up.  We haven't had the modesty talk yet.


Teri said...

That is such a cute dress. And, about the whole modesty thing, none of the Grange baby girls have a clue. Isabel still pulls her dresses up. Mostly during sacrament meeting to expose her gigantic outie. Awesome. Good job, Mabel, you make Isabel proud.

janessa gibson said...

She's getting so big! Wow. Your boys are too cute too...I miss them!

Sarah M said...

It's amazing how similar all of your kids look. They are so stinkin' cute!! They are growing up so quickly. It still shocks me to think that you have THREE kids. What a big, happy family you guys have!

Laura said...

Look at how cute and similar their eyes are. She is absolutely darling.

Starnes fam said...

What a sweet little girl! She is growing so fast.

Unknown said...

That smile, those eyes - how can you stop yourself from giving her kisses every moment of the day? So cute! But wait, 3 months already? Didn't you give her the talk about not growing up - she's not allowed to get bigger, just more adorable!

Chelsea said...

She is alert for three months old! Probably has to do with those two older brothers.

Let us know when you guys are going to be in Washington. Hopefully you're coming to Tri-Cities because we've been making a lot of trips to Vancouver lately, and still have a couple more to do during the summer.