Thursday, March 4, 2010

now it's andrew's turn...

Happy 3rd Birthday to the sweetest little boy I know!

We love Andrew so much.  He is really always smiling that big Andrew grin.  Even when I am so mad at him for doing all the mischievous things that Andrew does... you can't help smile because that is what he is doing!  Here are some of the things that I will remember about Andrew's 3 year:

-loves Buzz Light year and ANYTHING Toy Story.
-loves to play outside.
-loves loves loves Ryan and wants to do anything he does.
-still wants us to "hold me" and give him lots of hugs and kisses, which we of course love.
-wants to cuddle and sit on your lap
-his personality comes out more and more and we realize he is the exact opposite of Ryan.
-his big hands and feet
-his loud voice
-how much we love this kid


The Pingels said...

Seriously, could Luke and Andrew be anymore alike? They are such funny boys. Happy Birthday Andrew!

Teri said...

Awwww, we love Andrew too. Happy Birthday! I can't believe he is already 3. Tell our favorite friend to have a great birthday.


What a great picture!! He has the sweetest smile. Happy Birthday Andrew!!

Unknown said...

Seriously, "Sunshine" should be his nickname. He's a real sweetheart! Happy birthday, Sunshine!