Thursday, May 13, 2010

Do I look a little pudgy around the middle??

Well, there's a baby in there!
Baby #4 due October 21


Teri said...

And we are so excited!

Dan and Anne said...

Yay for Grange babies! I can't wait to find out what this little one is in just a few weeks!!!

Tiffany said...

Congrats! I've been waiting to congratulate you until you formally announced it. Brian says he's a little upset that you didn't consult him before getting pregnant, but what can ya do? We're excited for you guys!!

Sarah M said...

OH MY GOSH!! YEAH!!! I'm really excited for you guys. So I had to laugh when I realized that I had Dawson 8 months before Mabel was born, and now you are having a baby before I'm even pregnant again--I sure am a slow poke when it comes to these things :) You look wonderful by the way! Congratulations! (Oh and it's not a spring baby, hallelujah for you. That's one less birthday to worry about between the months of March and April!!)

Sarah Jayne said...

You look Gorgeous! Congrats on baby # 4. Excited for you guys!

The Pingels said...

Hooray! Glad you finally announced it, now I can tell people freely! We are very excited for you guys!

Dad Toolson said...

And here I thought you were working on your upper body strength. We excited for another grandchild. Congratulation Grange family

janessa gibson said...

Congrats guys!

Unknown said...

No, you don't look pudgy around the middle. Not fair!

Leah W said...

oh my goodness good work grange's!!! #4 is fantastic! can't guys do good work, kids wise!

Kara B said...

Congrats Erin! You have such a cute family!!

Starnes fam said...

WhatEVER! You are totally surpassing me! Good for you guys...we are excited for you!

Bart and Krista said...

Congrats! I hope you're feeling well!