Sunday, April 24, 2011

happy easter

out with the old, in with the new!

 Ryan lost his first tooth yesterday.  It was so loose that he just pushed it out with his tongue.  This was the first lost tooth for our family, so fun!  It was just as exciting for all of us.  I thought Andrew was going to burst trying to wait for Spencer to get home to tell him.
And baby sister is busy growing in the same tooth her big brother just lost.  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

what's new with us

*We buzzed the boys hair.  Andrew calls it his "Bode haircut" (Bode is his little friend).  He suggested I just "cut it all off like Grandpa's.)

*Mabel gets bossier by the second.  She now copies all discipline/commands I give the boys and when we were grocery shopping the other day she was making sure Ryan was right with us.

*Andrew saw his first little person at the store.  I saw his eyes watching him and I knew something was coming.  Luckily he waited until the guy was at the other end of the aisle before he burst out laughing and said "that little boy had a mustache!"  I had to explain to him that dad's (all grown up men) all come in different sizes.

*I'm actually getting a little anxious for summer.  I thought I would be dreading it, but I look forward to having no schedule and to not have to nag people to get dressed/make beds, and eat faster.

*How did we get so lucky to have these 4 kiddos?  Wouldn't trade this life for anything.

6 months

 computer time, we are so tech savvy here.
 mastering sitting up!  
 she's getting her first tooth, it's about to poke through.
love this big blue eyed baby.

soccer part 2

 This is kind of Ryan's signature look..."thoughtful looking into nothingness".  Seriously, it's amazing this kid is so smart.  I have been in his classroom and he has it all the time there too.  It's hilarious.

Ryan has had a lot of fun this spring season.  He has improved a ton and actually seemed to really get into the games and go after the ball.  

That's why we were so surprised when he told me he absolutely doesn't want to play next year!  He says it's boring and too hard.  He really wants to do karate, but that is SO expensive for a 6 year old who might want to quit 2 weeks later.  I think I might sign him up again next year anyways :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

end of birthday month

Ryan's birthday was the end of the birthday month here at the Grange house.  Hurray!  No more cake until October!

 We had a space party for our big 6 year old.  There was beanbags thrown into planets,
 lots of big boy toys for little brother and sisters to break or choke on,
 a fun group of boys (the bullseye behind them was where we aimed our rockets)
 kryptonite spoon races (really just green ice cubes)
 a moon cake...which I thought turned out cute.  I baked it in a bowl.
 but still a little bit ghetto.
 and we shot off rockets at the end.  We only lost 2!
oh Ryan...if you leave the house at 18, that means our time with you under our roof is 1/3 of the way through.  sniff, sniff.  We love you Ryan!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

eat baby eat!

Don't let the stink face fool you....she loves her some baby cereal!

(This was her first time and she wasn't so sure, but now she is a believer.)