Thursday, December 13, 2007

Billy Banks

Today Ryan was looking through our DVD collection (the little one that we have). He pulled out a movie and told me he wanted to watch "Monsters". I looked to see what movie he was talking about, thinking that I was pretty sure we didn't own the movie "Monsters Inc.". And we don't. What Ryan was calling "Monsters" was really a Taebo workout video featuring a large picture of Billy Banks on the front. That spandex outfit is pretty scary.


Dan and Anne said...

I don't blame him... I know the spandex really scares me too!

Teri said...

Are you saying that your child is racist?

Erin said...

um, no. I'm just saying he is afraid of men in really tight clothing.

The Pingels said...

Whats scarier? Billy or Erin doing the TaeBo tape? Ask yourself which one he thinks is the monster! j/k

Jessie said...

That is hilarious! Lacie used to make me do those workouts with her. She was so good at it. I agree with your boy...Billy Banks is very scary.