Tuesday, September 30, 2008

according to Ryan...

It is interesting this time around to hear Ryan's perspective on having a baby.  He has lots of funny ideas about how the whole thing works (some are to embarrassing to share, seeing as they have to do with my body!) For instance...

-Ryan tells us that our baby came from heaven and lived with Heavenly Father.  Then it came into my tummy (all correct so far), and that I ATE the baby to get it into my tummy.

-If you lifted up my shirt, you could see the baby.  I guess I have see through skin.  

-When it is time to have the baby, I go to the hospital and I just go to the bathroom and the baby is here.  If only it was that simple!  (By the way, Ryan didn't use exactly those words, but again, too embarrassing to put his actual words).  Or the belly button was a possibility baby exit as well.

-Ryan had the idea just today, that when I go to the hospital, I should take Andrew with me.  Then he could stay at home with Daddy and play CandyLand, and when the game was over they would come see the baby.  Does not sound like a successful birthing plan to me.  (although, I think Spencer would be ok with this part.  I think he secretly wishes he were a dad in the 50's and could just drop me off at the hospital and come back when all the dirty work was over).

So far, Spencer and I just laugh at all his crazy ideas, and no, we do not give him the correct info.  Maybe you think that's terrible, but he's only 3!


Sarah M said...

too cute!!!

Kathy said...

Erin & Spencer we are so excited for you and your family in gaining a new little one. You have such a sweet family. Looks like things are going well in New Mexico. Good Luck to you both with Spencer and his new church job. Been there done that.

greg & allyson said...

what a crack up! My sister's oldest thought that, and I quote, "the baby zooms down the legs and pops out the toes"--and he would say this with dramatic motions as well. kids are so funny! i'm with you, though, they don't need to know the real process until they're older and hear about it at school :)

greg & allyson said...

i see al has already commented, but i can't resist asking why spencer hasn't given the birds and the bees talk. i would like to be a fly on the wall for that one.

Sarah said...

Love it, Ryan! Keep those brains working.