Sunday, September 7, 2008

more from the fair

We took so many pictures of the boys in the petting zoo that it had to have it's own post.  The petting zoo actually only consisted of a bunch of goats and sheep running around.  Andrew ran in and went nuts.  He was running after the animals, laughing and petting them.  He is actually pretty soft when he touches them, but hasn't quite figured out certain animal rules.  For instance, touching their eyes, mouths, and bottoms is probably not a good idea.  And somehow he got it in his head that he should give a goat a kiss and was chasing this one goat in circles trying to kiss it on it's mouth!  What a funny kid.  I think he has heard his dad talk about his dream of raising goats a little too much.


Virginia & Pete said...

What's with the Husky hat on Andrew? They are so cute with the animals.

Gina and Jon said...

How are you?? Good to find your blog, your family is so cute! I hope all is good!