Thursday, December 31, 2009

my brag blog post

For some crazy reason, I decided it would be fun to try to make some Christmas presents this year.  Luckily I had this idea way back in September, so I had a head start.

I made a table top quilt for my Mom,
A blanket for nephew Max, I was able to use my mom in law's awesome sewing machine to personalize it.
Capes for Luke and Easton.
Best of all, I was able to convince Spencer to join in on my crazy ideas and he made the cutest puppet stage for the boys.  So I straight up copied almost all of my presents I made and the stage idea is from one of my favorite stores, The Land of Nod.  I think Spencer did a great job and it looks even better than the one at the store.  (And it didn't cost us $89 :)

I made the puppets to go with the stage that I also ripped off from The Land of Nod.

And Spencer was kind enough to make something for me this year too.  He made the creche to go along with my Willow Tree Nativity set.  Aren't I lucky to have such a handy man?


Teri said...

You forgot the books you made for Isabel and Beckett. Good job on everything. Glad you are back and relaxed and making lots of posts.

Dan and Anne said...

It all looks so good! You should be proud of yourself! It was great to see you guys, hope to see you again soon! :)

The Pingels said...

You are crazy, woman! I think I almost had a heart attack on the years I tried to make gifts. I felt so pressured to get it all done in time! Anyway, Easton loves his cape, wears it all day, won't take it off, cries when something happens to it........and I think I will have to eventually hide it from him. Good job on the gifts!

Jessie said...

I think you need to brag some more! I bet you've got more up your sleeve.

I love the puppet stage! Absolutely love it!! Someday I'll copy yours. And your quilt is beautiful. Good job Erin!

Unknown said...

You did a fabulous job! I'm so glad I asked you to help me in April! :-)

Bart and Krista said...

You are VERY handy, crafty & smart! I am dying to get my hands on your sugar cookie recipe. You know, the one you made at the Pillar House? Could you email it to me when you get a minute?


Candace said...

You need to start a business!