Sunday, December 12, 2010

"A Merry Castle Christmas"

Andrew's Preschool has been studying castle life this quarter and ended up the year with their cute Christmas play.  Andrew said the final line of the play..."and they were happy when they lived in the castle".  
I have no idea what any other kid even said, in fact, I wouldn't have understood Andrew either if I hadn't known what he was going to say.  3 year olds talking into microphones is really funny.

After the short play, they sang and danced.  Andrew had his big Andrew smile on the whole time.

Our little knight after his preschool program.


Dixie said...

Andrew with that killer smile was the cutest knight in the castle.

The Pingels said...

Oh Andrew, does he wear anything but a smile?!

Teri said...

Looks like Andrew did a fantastic job!

Starnes fam said...

Wow...looks like a fantastic preschool!