Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

We love our Andrew so much! This first year of his life has flown by. I remember when I was pregnant with Andrew, I couldn't help but think, "We love Ryan so much.... will we love another baby just as much?" Well much to my relief :) I love Andrew just as much as I do Ryan. He is the sweetest baby (can I call him a baby anymore?!!) I took him to get his pictures taken the other day, and the photo session last only about 10 minutes. The photographer and I were laughing because we would put Andrew in a pose, and not only would he actually stay there, but he would look straight at the camera and flash one of his cute, big smiles. But that is typical of Andrew. Here are some things we love about Andrew:

-He gives hugs.
-He races to see his Dad when he gets home. Sometimes he cries because he just can't get their fast enough. I had a friend (upon seeing the way Andrew reacted when Spencer came into the room) say that she had never seen a baby of his age react so much to their Dad! It is very cute to see them together.
-He is a great eater and eats most everything we put in front of him.
-Andrew laughs hysterically at the silly things Ryan does.
-He's very determined and tries so hard.
-He dances when music comes on.
-And he's just so darn cute!


Starnes fam said...

Gosh..it feels like YESTERDAY you sent us the email letting us know that Andrew was born! Crazy how fast a year can just zip by. Sounds like a fun party!

jules said...

He was so little! I can't believe it's already been a year. It's fun to catch up on your blog - your boys are darling!!