Thursday, February 21, 2008

A day in the life of Erin, Ryan, and Andrew

I sometimes get asked by people who don't have children yet, "What do you do all day?" That question could sound kind of condescending, but usually people are just really curious. Before I had Ryan, I know that I thought, "What AM I going to do all day with this kid??" Sometimes my Mom even asks me this, I think she has forgotten what it is like to be at home with small children. So I tried to pay attention one day, I'm sure this will be interesting to me in years to come.

7:00 a.m. Ryan runs into our room and gets up on the bed and says, "Mommy, I want breakfast".
8:30 We go upstairs to get the boys dressed and to make the beds.
9:00 Vacuum the house (this only takes about 10 minutes thanks to our small apt.)
9:15 Read with the boys before Andrew's nap.
9:30 Ryan stays downstairs to read books and I put Andrew to bed so I can shower.
10:15 Get Ryan ready for school and walk him over to school at the neighbors house.
10:30 While Ryan is gone and Andrew is asleep I clean up the kitchen and clean my floors, and look through our mail and bills.
11:30 Andrew wakes up and has a bottle and then I feed him lunch.
12:30 Pick up Ryan from school and he eats lunch.
1:00 Walk to the bank and stop at the playground on the way home.
2:00 Boys go down for naps. This is my most needed (I won't say favorite and sound like a bad mom) time of the day. I'd like to say I do lots of productive things while the boys are asleep, but recently this time has been dedicated to watching whatever is on TV at the time (Roseanne and Martha Stewart). I usually wait to eat lunch until now, I like to eat it in peace.
3:30- 4:00 Boys wake up. They play and I start dinner.
5:00 Dinner. I know it's incredibly early, but Spencer was getting pizza from his class and wouldn't be home till 5:30 so I needed something to fill the time.
5:30 Spencer gets home and I convince him to go to Fred Meyer with me.
6:00 We head to Fred Meyers. We got Ryan a pair of Nike shoes for $9.19. They were having a huge sale. Ryan of course poops in his diaper at the store and I had forgotten diapers and wipes. The ride home was almost unbareable.
7:45 We got home in just enough time to put the boys to bed so Spencer can watch our favorite show, The Biggest Loser. During commercial breaks we cleaned up and I made some food for a brunch for visitng teaching the next day.
10:30 We go to bed. I don't think I have ever had trouble falling asleep since I had children.


Rachael said...

Our days sound very simillar. Two things. Thatcher wakes me up every morning telling me he wants breakfast also, and I totally understand what you mean about the nap time! I also like to eat in peace.

Teri said...

Oh, the things I have to look forward to. That was fun, thanks for sharing. Sometimes Ryan asks me what I have done all day and I feel guilty if I haven't accomplished anything. I just blame it on recovery for right now.

Tiffany said...

Amen to the not having trouble falling asleep.

Sometimes Brian asks me what I do all day and sometimes I feel like a bad person b/c I don't have much to say...but if I were to categorize it out like that...that would pretty much be my day (minus the second child thing). And...I take a nap during Megan's nap time if I'm allowing myself to not be productive... :)

Bart and Krista said...

I love that you watch Roseanne. There's just something about that show that reminds me of home. I'm not sure what it is. I bet you like Rosanne's sassy remarks to her teenage daughters and her wacko sister.

Starnes fam said...

When people ask me that question..."What is it you do all day?" sometimes I just respond with, "I'm not sure, but whatever it is I takes up the entire day and leaves me exhausted at the end of it."

HeatherC said...

Hmm, maybe I should quit my job a couple months early instead of 2-3 weeks early. I'm preparing to be incredibly tired those first few weeks(months?). I want to get some things done before our little boy comes! Don't worry, there was never a doubt in my mind that a mother's day is full of not-for-herself activities. It's quite amazing how selfless good moms are. And to that I say, stop it (every once in a while)! Go out and get a massage, a new outfit, get your hair done, eat some yummy chocolate, something! Thanks for posting this Erin :)

Jessie said...

I love this! It made me giggle out loud while poor Dave is trying to study in the same room.