Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Twins?", "Brothers?", or "Are they related?"

I get a wide range of comments about my boys and how much they look alike. Some people think they are clones, while others think they look nothing alike. I am somewhere in the middle. I think they sometimes look a lot alike, and other times I don't see it at all. I think they have similar expressions, and they both have those big beautiful blue eyes from their Daddy and the big Grange head (although Ryan got more of the Grange block head than Andrew). And of course they both have those cute enormous smiles showing off their huge mouths and big teeth! Anyhow, whether they look a like or not, we think they are both about the cutest things ever.

These pictures are the boys about the same age, 11 months. (although I'm not quite sure about when the picture of Ryan was, i guessed!)


Jessie said...

They definitely look like your babies, but they have their own looks too. Cute pictures.

Boyce Family said...

That's a cute story. They do look alike. I tagged you, go to my blog and check it out: boycerulez.blogspot.com

Sarah Jayne said...

Wow! I can't believe you have 2 babies! Hope you guys are doing well. The blog looks fantastic. If you want to visit, our is jsbushfam.blogspot.com.
(Sarah & Jon Bush)